
Luigi Guffanti 1876

COMPANY NAME : Luigi Guffanti 1876

VAT NUMBER : 00166760033

ADDRESS : Via Milano, 140, Arona, NO, Italia

TELEPHONE : +39 390322242038

EMAIL : info@guffantiformaggi.com

WEBSITE : www.guffantiformaggi.com


The Story

It is a family cemented by rennet that has been refining its cheeses in Arona, in the province of Novara, since 1876: Carlo Guffanti Fiori and his sons Giovanni and Davide represent the fourth and fifth generations. The progenitor’s name was Luigi, the eyes lost in visionary dreams of quality food. He succeeded in his coup by purchasing an abandoned silver mine in Valganna, capable of churning out white gold in no way inferior to precious metals. It was he who also founded Arona’s wine cellar under a rampart of the city walls, in a space initially intended for military use and converted with the inventiveness of a dowser. With his sons Carlo and Mario, Guffanti cheeses began to follow in the footsteps of Lombard and Piedmontese emigrants who were flowing to America in the early 1900s. New markets for new products, because the frontier from Gorgonzola was moving to the conquest of tome from the Ossola mountain pastures and Parmigiano Reggiano, even to the point of grasping in recent times the most prized types from European markets.

Cheese breeders, today Carlo, Giovanni and Davide offer their philosophy of coagulated milk in a new space in Arona: here the winery is a second terroir, aging a phase of rebirth. Because behind a great product is knowledge of cheesemakers, cattle and pristine landscapes, but also familiarity with the microclimate, bacterial flora and natural transformations, which only the refiner can master. Cheeses are thoroughbred foals to be “bred” according to a pedagogy of time, brushing, oiling, scrubbing and ad hoc turning.

Guffanti has been selecting and raising the best cheeses of the Italian and European dairy tradition in its cellars since 1876. The utmost care in researching and selecting quality artisanal dairy products and a passion for careful refinement are the basic rules that the Guffanti-Fiori family has jealously handed down for five generations.

The range of products and productions always available today includes more than two hundred varieties of Italian cheeses, several dozen cheeses from other nations selected and aged in-house in special maturing caves carved underground, along with fresh cheeses sourced directly from production areas throughout Italy. A short supply chain allows fresh produce from the previous evening to be available in the morning.

As the sign welcoming visitors to Arona’s cellars reads, “Cheese never dies.”