In the 1930s out of a total national cheese production of about 2 million quintals, Gorgonzola production had reached its record high of 270,000 quintals. This was 13.5 percent of all domestic dairy production; also at that time, more than 60 percent, or 162,000 quintals, were already taking the foreign route.

The record

Gorgonzola was becoming more and more established on English and French tables, and in the same restaurant of the House of Commons in London, as published in the newspapers of the time, it was consumed with strong prevalence over other cheeses.
Italians, far fewer in number than today, consumed 370 grams per head.

About 36 percent (20,000 quintals) is for export. The main consuming countries are Germany and France, which absorb more than 50 percent of the total export. This is followed by Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries and Spain for Europe, then the United States and Canada. Significant signs are also coming from the Far East and Australia: Japan, South Korea are proving to be countries where Italian cheeses are most successful.
However, Gorgonzola has the merit of being in the top ranks of national dairy exports for cheeses made from cow’s milk.