Gorgonzola cheese, recognized by the European Union and registered in the list of P.D.O. products, in order to benefit from this designation, must comply with the conformity requirements called out in the product specification.
Protected Designation of Origin
Made in Italy
The body designated and authorized by the Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies to check these requirements is CSQA Certifications of Thiene; only the eligible cheese is issued the certificate of conformity that allows the marketing of the protected designation of origin product “Gorgonzola.”
Delegated by and under the supervision of the Italian state, the Consortium for the Protection of Gorgonzola Cheese was created in 1970, which, with its own officials, oversees full compliance with and enforcement of current regulations in Italy and abroad where the designation of origin “Gorgonzola” is protected.
The PDO Logo
Provides for the affixing of the constitutive logo of the PDO on the cheese, produced by the subjects, members and non-members, entered into the control system of the authorized body with which it collaborates on a daily basis;
Prepares plans, projects, regulations, proposals and studies aimed at technical, sanitary and hygienic business improvement.
The name "Gorgonzola" enjoys full protection.
The name “Gorgonzola” fully enjoys the protection granted by the first paragraph of Art. 13 of Regulation (EC) No. 510/2006 of the Council, and in particular by point (b), which states that registered names are protected against “any usurpation, imitation or evocation, even if the true origin of the product is indicated or if the protected name is a translation or is accompanied by expressions such as ‘kind,’ ‘type,’ ‘method,’ ‘in the manner,’ ‘imitation,’ or the like.”