
The origins of Gorgonzola cheese

gorgonzola piccante e fichi

Made in Italy

A blue cheese

Gorgonzola is a very old cheese; some claim that it was first made, in the town of the same name on the outskirts of Milan, in the year of grace 879.
According to others, the birth took place in Pasturo in Valsassina, a great dairy center for centuries, thanks to the presence of those excellent natural caves whose average temperature is constant between 6°C and 12°C and therefore allows for the perfect success of Gorgonzola, as well as various other cheeses.



The dissemination

The spread of Gorgonzola, though slow when compared to the successes of other cheeses, was nonetheless steady at least as far as the area between Lombardy and Piedmont was concerned: both the Pavese and Novarese areas joined Milan and Comasco in the production of Gorgonzola in a big way.

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