The alarm from the U.S. regarding avian flu requires disseminating accurate and timely news about foods that may contain or be produced with raw milk. On the Web, one may come across lists of cheeses made with non-heat-treated milk that wrongly include Gorgonzola. It is necessary, therefore, to provide some clarity.
“Raw paste” cheeses are defined as those in which, during processing, the curd does not undergo any heating beyond the coagulation temperature.
No alarm, then, as the raw material from which Gorgonzola Pdo cheese is made is the whole milk that arrives each morning at the dairies where the milk pasteurization process for producing Gorgonzola cheese occurs.
In general, it should also be added that in addition to compulsorily following the Production Regulations, Gorgonzola, like all “pdo” brand products, is subjected daily to strict controls, after which each wheel bears the number indicating the dairy that produced it and the “CG” mark of the Protection Consortium. A “pdo” brand supply chain that, by its very nature, has been controlled, traced, and guaranteed for more than 50 years.
With an annual production of nearly 5.3 million wheels, Gorgonzola Pdo has millions of admirers in Italy and more than 90 countries worldwide.